San Francisco and Buffalo!!! ACID TEST DJS!

8 10 2008

Udagawa and Spiritbear are doing a switcheroo, and Udagawa going to SF and Spiritbear to Buffalo.

Tonight at Dalva on 16th St in SF, at Red WIne Social with Toph One, go hear Udagawa show the West how its done. Toph One always lays it down nice-nice.

Friday in Buffalo, Spiritbear plays with Christ Sinister at Stillwater

The Stillwater Restaurant and Bar

481 – 483 Delaware Avenue in Buffalo New York 
Phone  (716)-884-9283

Let’s do it!!!

hit us up with an email if you want guest list, and we’ll see what we can do! acidtestdjs at

we are sure to make a quick stop here….



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